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Where low pressure is persistent, air is always converging and rising. When air rises, it often cools to its dewpoint to condense into clouds and precipitation.

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Q: Why is precipitation heavier in the persistent low pressure zones of the world?
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Why is precipitation heavier in the presistent low-pressure zones of the world?

Low barometric pressure usually indicates that air is flowing upwards. When air moves upwards it cools and the moisture in it may condense to form clouds and possibly produce rain and thunderstorms.

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If you mean - PRECIPITATION - answer inches iin the USA - centimeters in the rest of the world

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The world is getting heavier, not only because cosmic fall out, but, also from trees people and animals

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All over the world.

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The 'tropical' climate has the greatest precipitation, while the 'desert' climate has the lowest.

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Temperature and precipitation.

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The weather cycle is a continuous cycle of air, water, and temperature the world over. The water cycle--evaporation, condensation, precipitation--is part of the cycle with pressure differences being caused by temperature changes.

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How do you say persistent in a sentence?

This sentance contains the word immutable.