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The cycles of time are connected with Chakras in the body according Kundalini Yoga theory. The highest Chakra called Sahasrara is beyond time and is dependent on the soul's journey towards higher spiritual levels. The lower six Chakras get mild activation during the seasons - Agna Chakra in Vasanth Rithu (spring), Vishuddha in Greeshma Rithu (summer), Anahatha in Varsha Rithu (rainy season in India), Manipura in Sarad Rithu (bright moon light), Swadhisthana in Hemantha Rithu (coldest winter), and Muladhara in Sisira Rithu (late autumn). "The lower two chakras were the real of instincts and the unconscious mind that flowed with gravity according to their own nature. At chakra three we awakened to an egoic consciousness - a sense of separate self with a will to resist or direct the instinctual flow. Chakras three, four, and five are largely run by that egoic consciousness as it interacts with the outer world and integrates experience on the inner planes. The realm of transpersonal consciousness is a real that is beyond both ego and instincts yet reflects and combines both. In this reflection, we can see that chakra six and seven are the mental mirrors of the lower and middle realms, respectively." [Anodea Judith, Eastern Body Western Mind, Alchemy Books, Kolkota, 2004, page 372] The Agna chakra is connected with pineal gland (third eye) in the brain. It is the seat of super-conscious state. The Vedic texts describe it as Sat-Chit-Ananda (truly felt joy). This is the timeless and spaceless transcendental state which is variously known as relaxed alertness, higher awareness, great happiness, abundant peace, sublime elation, tranquility, serenity, ecstacy or bliss depending on the level of experience. The Agna chakra is connected with this state. "In psychosynthesis the existence of a spiritual self and a superconscious are taken as fact: 'All the superior manifestations of the human psyche, such as creative imagination, intuition, aspiration, genius, are facts which are as real and as important as are the conditioned reflexes, and therefore are susceptible to research and treatment just as scientifically as conditioned reflexes.' .... Assagioli cites as a supreme example of this the genius of Mozart .... To some extent the superconscious mode is transpersonal and transcendent ...." [Donald Watson, A Dictionary of Mind and Spirit, Rupa & Co, New Delhi, 1991, page 334] Some Hindu Sastras say that superconscious mind is the source of much of the inspired writing and speaking. Some modern western musicians wrote that music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy. Some ancient Hindu texts wrote that music transcends all limitations of language and races. It is known to many of us that babies, animals and even snakes enjoy listening to music. Poets described that soft music moves the chord within like a moon beam that tranquillizes the mind, and acts like an orison. Modern para- psychology knows that crops give better yields if soft music is played in the fields regularly. Katha Upanisad described the connection between Chitta, senses, and sense objects like money and pleasure (1.3.10): "Indriya (senses, semen) gets overcome by Artha (money, pleasures). Higher than Artha is Manas, and higher than Manas is Buddhi. Higher (than all these) is the state of bliss connected with soul" Some elements of the transpersonal consciousness and sublime elation will be felt by most of the people during the spring season. [V.Siva Prasad, Various states of mind - revelation through Vedic scriptures, Express Star Teller, August 2006, p 13 - 18.] For all the nations, spring is the time of nature revival and renovation, the period of expectations and hope for peace between people, for bumper harvest in the fields and gardens, and good increase in livestock for love and consent in family. It is a time when man and nature alike throw off the gloom of winter and rejoice in the colors and liveliness of spring. The revival of nature in spring also provides the revival of natural abilities in men. Vasantha Utsava (spring festival) in India is an age-old tradition of celebrating the arrival of spring. The transpersonal consciousness is apparent as this festival was celebrated when people forget caste and gender differences, and were allowed many liberties which are otherwise forbidden. And like any spring festival celebrated by ancient peoples all over the world, Vasantha Utsava also had certain rites. These include lighting up of fires, driving off demons, setting the normal orders in reverse, sporting something weird, having a community feast, and so on. In U.S.A., annual literary festivals are held during spring and awards are presented. Some orchestras also conduct annual festival during spring season.

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