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Our one and only Earth is being polluted as people around the world have been carelessly acting on their own which brings about the cause of pollution. For example, one of our main pollution about the environment is Global Warming. How and why it is effected is because of us using too much electricity and things which create smoke such as cars, factories, burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). This produces carbon dioxide (co2) which is then let into the air and helps keep the earth warm. This is a good thing but too much of it can be not so good for the environment. As a result of us using and letting out the co2 emissions, it overloads and creates heat as the carbon dioxide itself is like a blanket which covers the earth. As you can see here, humans are the causes to all these calamities that is happening around the Earth, globally and locally. The environment is being polluted on the condition that of people's actions towards our environment, that we are overusing our resources as our human population itself is rising.

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