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internal environment

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Q: Why is the internal environment important development?
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What's more important your environment or your economic development?

Neither and both. You can have economic development, which in the long term in unsustainable, and protect the environment at the same time. At some point though economic development will have to come to a halt if we want to preserve the environment, and the environment is what supports our lives, so ultimately the environment will win out; it must.

Do monotremes have short internal development?

No, monotremes do not have short internal development.

What is regulation of the internal environment of an organism?

Regulation of the bodies internal environment is homeostasis.

Is internal environment for multicellular organisms cellular?

the internal environment for unicellular microorganisms are cellular. On the other hand, the internal environment for multicellular microorganisms are not cellular

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factors ( conditions, trends, and forces that is inside or controlled of the organizational members. Internal environmental scans are conducted to identify important factors in the internal environment.

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is the process of every thng

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Is selective permeability important to cell membranes?

Yes, it's a major factor in maintaining the internal environment of cells.

Why are feedback interactions in human body important?

4) keep the internal body environment within its normal range.