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The basaltic crust becomes newer the closer it is to the ridge and has therefore had less time of exposure to sedimentation. New crustal rock is formed at the mid-oceanic ridge. An inch or two a year.

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Q: Why is there less sediment closer to the mid ocean ridge?
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What is the relationship between sea floor sediment thickness and mid-ocean ridge distance?

The further away a point is from the mid-ocean ridge, the deeper the sediment layer should be. Because the ocean floor is relatively new nearer the ridge, sediments have had less time to accumulate.

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600 meters or less

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Not really because its by the ocean, it depends on where you are...the closer to the ocean the less i guess. ;) but if your talkin about the biome... then no they is not alot

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The depth of water at the apex of the ridge is less than 2,700 metres.

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What is the difference between a mid oceanic ridge and a subduction zone?

A subduction zone occurs at convergent plate margins where an oceanic plate is going underneath a continental plate or a less dense oceanic plate. A mid-ocean ridge is a divergent plate boundary on the ocean floor with a mountain range and a rift running through the center of it. Sea floor spreading also occurs at mid ocean ridges.

Why do sediment settle out of flowing water as it slows down?

Because it has less energy and can carry less sediments.

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Fast-moving water can carry more sediment than slow-moving water.

What is the definition of clay?

A sediment with particles of less than 4 micrometres diameter.

Why does most of the sediment deposit in the mouth of the river?

Rivers are generally much wider at their mouths and this means the water speed is much less than further upstream. The result is that sediment is maintained in suspension less and therefore settles out.

How does speed affect where or how sediments are deposited?

The greater the speed the less sediment deposited. A delta is where a river slows way down and sediment is deposited at the mouth of the river.

Why ocean is blue but rivers are brown?

a) The ocean is much vaster, with less obstacles to obscure direct light reflecting from the sky b) Rivers are generally shallower, making it easier to see the bottom (which is brown) c) Rivers are constantly flowing, which allows sediment to stir, minimizing the reflection of light, making it appear brown.