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the Periodic Table isn't aranged by mass because itd be much more complicated to make sense out of it and itd be inconsistent, uranium is the heaviest element but its the 12th element acording to its atomic number, also all of the gases and liquids would be all over the periodic table

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11y ago

The mass number ids the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, as many elements have more than one isotope, sometimes 4 or more they aren't put on.

For the benefit of the last editor Atomic number is the number of protons!

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Q: Why isn't mass number listed with each element on the periodic table?
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What is the number listed for each element on the periodic table?

The number listed above the symbol of an element on the periodic table is the element's atomic number.

What information is listed on an element on the periodic table?

The information like element symbol and its atomic number are listed on a element in periodic table.

What is the atomic number of an element listed in the Periodic Table refers to?

The atomic umber of an element listed in the periodic table refers to number of protons in the element. Atomic number is equal to number of protons.

What is listed on the periodic table?

The element

What other properties of the elements are listed in the periodic table?

The atomic number of the element is listed. The position of the element describes other behavior.

Can atomic number be found on the periodic table?

The atomic number is the number located in the upper left corner of the element on the periodic table. Elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number.

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An element square consists of the element's name, symbol, atomic mass, and atomic number.

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No. Atoms on the Periodic Table are listed by element in order of atomic number, which is the number of protons an atom contains. The number of neutrons in the atoms of an element usually varies among several isotopes.

What is an atomic number and where can you find one listed?

the atomic number is the number of protons of an element. The atomic number specifically identifies an element. You can find it on the Periodic Table of Elements.

What is the atomic number on the periodic table?

The atomic number on the periodic table is the number of protons for the element.

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Hydrogen is the first element on periodic table. Its atomic number is 1.

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Few elements have isotopes. their atomic mass is not a whole number.