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This is because exciting an electron to the 3rd shell is energetically not feasible as the stability gained can't compensate for the extra energy. Shell Transfer takes place where there is less energy need and high stabilisation.

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Q: Why oxygen cannot have 1s2 2s2 2p3 3s1 configuration in its ground state which results in an half-filled 2p and 3s orbitals?
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How are electrons placed into an orbital shell?

Electrons enter the orbitals on the basis of increasing energy of sub-shells. Also, when an electron occupies an orbital another electron cannot occupy that orbital until all other orbitals of that sub-shell have atleast 1 electron.

What is the electron configuration for copper?

Copper's atomic number is 29. Filling in the first 29 orbitals gives the configuration of 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10. Seeing as how there is only one electron in the 4 shell, coppers valence electron configuration is thus 4s1.

What is sp2 hybridisation?

Hybridization in brief can be said as inter mixing of orbitals. But you may have questions such as why? where ? when it happens and what exactly it is? Its very simple for example as in your question consider methane. The carbon atom has 2 electrons in 1s orbital and; 2 electrons in 2s orbital and; 1 electron in 2px orbital and; 1 electron in 2py orbital.In methane before carbon atom undergo bonding with hydrogen it undergoes hybridization ,that is 2s orbitals and 2p orbitals combines or hybridizes and for methane it is sp3 hybridization that means an s orbital had combined with 3 of the 2p orbitals (2px,2py,2pz). It has an tetrahedral arrangement (like four corners of a triangular pyramid) of four lobes of angles approx 109.5 degrees(The angle between H-C-H). After hybridization you cannot differentiate s orbital and p orbital.And in that sp3 hybrid each lobe has one electron and all the lobes bond with hydrogen atoms containing single electron.Note that all the lobes must be treated as an orbital such that they can maximum hold only of two electrons.Thus methane is formed as an result of head on collision of sp3 hybrids and hydrogen atoms.

Which term describes the loss of consciousness that occurs when the body cannot get the oxygen it needs?

Asphyxia is characterized by excess carbon dioxide and a lack of oxygen in the blood. It results from insufficient air oxygen or respiratory interference.

How urbanization causes more flooding?

Urbanisation is part of why there are floods happening because when it floods the water cannot go through the concrete because it is an impermeable material, therefore it causes a flood because the water has nowhere to go. Also when there is deforestation because of urbanisation there are no trees to take in the water so it results in a flood.

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Write electron configurations for each of the following ions?

An electron configuration refers to the distribution of electrons in orbitals. Since there are no ions given for this question, an electron configuration cannot be provided.

In the quantum mechanical view of the atom electrons are confined to charge clouds called orbitals?

The answer would be an electrons position cannot be known precisely.

Which set of quantum numbers cannot occur together to specify an orbital?

Quantum numbers specify the orbitals in an atom. The set of numbers that cannot occur is n=3,I=3, m(sub)I=2 because there are no F-orbitals.

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What is 1s2 2s2 2p6?

Those numbers denote electron orbitals, if my chemistry isn't too rusty that is Na (Sodium).

What are localized orbitals?

I think that the electrons cannot be gained or loosed or shared electrons in valence shell.

What are the limitations of laboratory method?

The results cannot be applied to human beings.

What usually happens to the electron configuration of an atom when it forms?

The outer shell is involved in the bonding and it cannot really be described as an atomic outer shell any more. In the very simplest terms, Lewis model, electrons are shared with other atoms. In CH4 for example the carbon hydrogen bonds have 2 electrons each which could be considered to be 1 from the carbon and one from each hydrogen. Carbon then has 8 and hydrogen 2. There are two approaches that have a quantum mechanical slant. Valence bond theory is closest to chemists views on chemical bonds involving localised electron pairs, In VB theory hybrid atomic orbitals are postulated that optimise overlap of orbitals on the one atom with another. In methane the carbon is sp3 hybridised giving 4 tetrahedral lobes, which overlap nicely with the 1s orbitals on the hydrogens.

What is the maximum number of spdf in chemistry?

The number of orbitals in electron shells are: One s orbital three p orbitals 5 d orbitals 7 f orbitals every shell has an s orbital, only shells 2 and above have p orbitals, only shells 3 and above have d orbitals only shells 4 and above have f orbitals. Each orbital can hold a maximum of 2 electrons. Level by level the orbitals 1s (one) 2s, 2p(three) 3s, 3p, 3d (five) 4s, 4p, 4d 4f(seven) In a shell where they are possible, all three p orbitals have the same energy, all 5 d orbitals have the same energy and all seven f orbitals have the same energy. I do not like the idea of saying there is a maximum-- an orbital is a solution to the energy levels in a hydrogen atom. You simply cannot have less than 3 p orbitals for instance.

Electrons move around the nucleus in paths called what?

Orbitals. Not to be confused with orbits. They don't actually move in 'paths' either. Due to their nature, you cannot determine the exact location of an electron and still know where it will be next. (See "Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle") Orbitals actually are mathematical functions which describe the probability of finding an electron in a given space.

Combination of one s orbital with one p orbital?

s orbitals are spherical, so there cannot be any angle 'between' an s orbital and a p orbital. However, each lobe of a p orbital is perpendicular (90 degrees in all directions) to the surface of an s orbital.

Can you sue a university for late results?

No. You cannot.