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Etic and emic are terms commonly used by professionals in social and behavioral science as well as anthropologists. These terms are used to refer to data related to human behavior. Emic is a description used about a behavior or belief that comes from inside the culture. Etic is a description used about a belief or behavior that the researcher takes notice of when standing on the outside of the culture.

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1mo ago

Emic refers to an insider's perspective or understanding of a culture, while etic refers to an outsider's perspective or analysis of that culture. Emic emphasizes the way people within a culture perceive and interpret things, whereas etic focuses on an objective, outsider view of cultural practices and beliefs.

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Q: What is the difference between emic and etic?
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What age group shows the greatest difference between males and females?

The teenage years typically show the greatest difference between males and females in terms of physical and psychological development. This can be attributed to the hormonal changes and growth spurts that occur during this period, leading to noticeable disparities between males and females in areas such as height, muscle mass, and emotional maturity.

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500. 72kml

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What is different between etic and emic?

Emic worldview is the perspective of an insider or native. Etic worldview is the perspective of an outsider.

When is an emic or etic study called for?

An emic study is called for when the research aims to understand a cultural group from within, focusing on the group's perspective and values. An etic study is appropriate when the research seeks to compare and analyze different cultures using an outside perspective. The choice between emic and etic approaches depends on the research goals and the level of cultural understanding being sought.

What is the definition of the terms etic and emic?

Etic is relating to or denoting an approach to the study or description of a particular language or culture that is general non-structural and objectives and its perspective. Emic isrelating to or denoting an approach to the study or description of a particular language or call char in terms of its internal elements and their functioning rather than in terms of any existing external schemes.

What is imposed etic?

Imposed etic refers to applying an external framework or perspective to study cultures that may not be appropriate or relevant to the culture being studied. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the cultural practices and beliefs of the group being studied. It is important for researchers to be aware of this bias and strive to use more culturally sensitive approaches in cross-cultural studies.

4 letter words 4th letter is c?

· bloc · chic · croc · disc · emic · epic · etic · exec · flic · laic · marc · narc · spec · sync · talc · uric · zinc

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What is An etic perspective of kula exchange?

From an etic perspective, this type of economic distribution provides a method of shifting products from regions of plenty to regions of scarcity. As Harris (1987) notes, the etic perspective of the kula differs from the emic perspective described above. The kula ring is ceremonial in nature and not a barter system. However, kula voyages can promote utilitarian trading. Men on a kula expedition carry both food and manufactured items, including pottery, baskets, and mats, to places lacking resources and trade for materials to bring back to their villages.

Is Emic an adjective?

Yes, "emic" can be used as an adjective in the context of describing an approach or perspective as being focused on the internal perceptions, beliefs, and meanings within a particular culture or group.

How do you use the word emic in a sentence?

In anthropology, emic observations record the view from the perspective of the social group. In linguistics, a verbal sound has an emic relationship with other sounds used in the language.

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Indiviuals Societies Culture Health emic means native or insider.... ISCH Emic training means the study of the individuals, societies, culture and health of the group that you are a part of.

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