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Well it means that equilibrium is basically a dynamic process and it adjusts to the new situation where basic variables of the market has registered changes and the new endowment point becomes the need of the situation.

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Q: Because demand curve and supply curve always change market never attain equilibrium does this imply the concept of equilibrium is not useful?
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The equilibrium condition requires the sum of the forces on the body to be zero.

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Le Chatelier's principle says that, when a equilibrium is disturbed by adding or removing one or more of the contents, the system will attain a new equilibrium to minimize its effect. So when reactants are added to the system, some of they will react and give products in order to gain the new equilibrium.

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Why is it difficult to attain consistency?

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Can you be bad and yet attain Moksha?

The meaning of Moksha:Moksha is nothing but leading a normal life with pure involuntary force. The Involuntary force is also what we call Brahman. Thus, Moksha means becoming one with Brahman.Moksha means liberation. In layman's terms Moksha is liberation from social control. It is actually liberation from or getting rid of our Voluntary force.We need Voluntary force to make changes in our life.Brahman is unchanging because it is pure Involuntary force, without any voluntary force.Good Behavior and Moksha:When our behavior is perfectly acceptable to our society we don't need to be cautious and therefore we don't need voluntary force. Thus, sooner than later, we can discard the traces of Voluntary force we have and thus attain Moksha.Bad Behavior and Moksha:If we are bad then we must always be on guard and therefore we must always have lot of voluntary force. Thus, we can't attain Moksha because Moksha is nothing but getting rid of our Voluntary force.However, Hinduism is nothing but opposing forces in equilibrium. If most people are extremely good then Hinduism would automatically encourage some people to be bad. If one of the bad man can keep that Hindu society in equilibrium under varying conditions then he would have all the privileges a good man would have.If such a bad man is in equilibrium with his society under all conditions automatically then it means that he has attained Moksha.Thus, even a bad man can attain Moksha through Jnana Marga.

The after life for Buddhism religion?

In Buddhism re-borth comes after death. Eventually if you become enlightened you have an option to not be reborn and lose the concept of self (attain Nirvana)