

Can the US print money any time?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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12y ago

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By "The Government" you mean the Federal Reserve Bank. Yes it can print as much money as it wants. But the Federal Reserve headed up by Ben Bernanke (The Federal Reserve Chairman) also understands that if you print too much money, then humans will stop working so hard to get it since they cannot redeem them for goods and services. Humans will instead gravitate toward commodities (things that have intrinsic value) like milk, gasoline, books, cars and clothing.

The US Dollar is a "Fiat Currency", meaning it has absolutely no value except in the sovereign rule of law says that you MUST take US Dollar if someone is in debt to you. If the Federal reserve prints too much money, then "Too much money chases two few goods" causing hyperinflation.

Chris Martenson discusses the role of the Federal Reserve bank, US Dollar, and Inflation, and how it ties together with these great videos:

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12y ago

Yes they can due to GDP and economical rate as well as being the most powerful country in the world any countries saying they cant and will be under threat from a army

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In the US, it is the US Government alone that has the authority to print currency.

Can us print money?

Yes, they can. BUT if they do, money will then loose its value. There fore, everything will be even more expensive, which will not help any of us now or in the future.

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In the US, it is the US Government alone that has the authority to print currency.

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The Treasury and US Mints.

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Not all countries print their own money. A country can only print money if it is in control of its currency like Japan and the US. One country that cannot print money is Greece because they are not in control of the Euro.

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The government shreds old money because it is torn or worn badly. They print new money to replace it.

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If they simply print more money, it will reduce the value of the U.S. dollar. This is called inflation. This inflation would counteract the added value of the newly printed money, so there would be no net gain.