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It's Wealth :P NovaNet sucks....haha

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Q: Economists use per capita GDP to measure and compare nations' relative?
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What Economists use per capital GDP to measure and compare nations relative?


What is the tool that economists often use as a rough measure of a nations prosperity?

Per Capita GDP

How will be the India after 20 years?

It is an extremely relative question. but per many economists and looking at the current economic conditions and the financial growth of the country, India after 20 years can/will be a developed country and one of the leading nations in the world

How did the formation of the United Nations compare to the formation of the league nations?

Both were formed in response to a major war.

How does the quantity of energy used in developed nations compare with the quantity of energy used in developing nations?

industrialized nations use more energy

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What is one way that underdeveloped nations can increase growth in Gross Domestic Product?

Studies conducted by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicate that under developed nations can benefit and increase their GDP by importing high technology products from developed nations. As a whole, trade between less developed nations and underdeveloped ones, have resulted in economic benefits for less developed nations.

Where do you measure with inches and ounces?

Mainly the US and minor nations.

How do the nations of southwest Asia compare to each other on the HDI?

tohar babu jaise

What famous work was authored by Adam Smith?

Adam Smith published "The Wealth of Nations" in 1776.