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As witnessed by the popularity of Roosevelt in the 1936 election, most voters approved of the new deal programs. Some people could see the dangers of more federal government. as later expressed by Gerald Ford--"A government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take from you everything you have. "

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Q: How did some people view the New Deal and the government intervention into the economic crisis?
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What is the the type of economy where people carry on their economic affairs freely but are subject to some government intervention and regulation?

When people can carry out their economic business freely but are also subject to some government intervention and regulation, that is called a mixed economy. It is a mixture of capitalism and socialism.

Do most people in the US support an economic system that is pure free market capitalism?

No they obviously don't as they have a social security system and their government has a lot of sway in economic affairs. the governments involvement in the resque package in the last economic crisis is another example of how people expect the government to save them from the excesses of free market capitalism. Not to mention a newly introduced national health scheme.

Why are taxes a significant issue for the American people?

A tax on the labor and creativitiy of an individual is a regressive tax. It is a dis-incentive to economic progress and is used by governments and powerful persons to accumulate wealth. Please see: How has the Income Tax contributed to the economic crisis of 2008?Also, many people also resent the government taking money from them.

People who receive disaster relief from the the government after a flood are benefiting from an economic system that provides a?

People who receive disaster relief from the the government after a flood are benefiting from an economic system that provides a safety net

What government controls economic activities but people own property?


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What is the the type of economy where people carry on their economic affairs freely but are subject to some government intervention and regulation?

When people can carry out their economic business freely but are also subject to some government intervention and regulation, that is called a mixed economy. It is a mixture of capitalism and socialism.

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The Crisis Intervention Services of Iowa is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people who have been affected by domestic abuse and sexual assault.

Why did hoovers policies fail?

Hoover did not have any support from the Bank. Moreover he tried to overcome economic recession with government intervention which did not gain him any favors among the people.

How has the economic crisis affected people in this part of Georgia?

Very Badly!

What is the reason of world economic crisis?

BIG people are making money.

What effect did the new deal have on the role of the government in the us?

The major effect of the Great Depression and the New Deal on America was expanded government intervention into new areas of social and economic affairs and the creation of more social assistance agencies at the national level. The relationship between the national government and the people changed drastically. The government took on a greater role in the everyday social and economic lives of the people.

Level of government that people expected to cure the economic ills?

The federal government is typically expected to address and alleviate economic issues. Through fiscal policies, such as spending and taxation, as well as monetary policies, such as setting interest rates, the government aims to stimulate economic growth, reduce unemployment, and stabilize the economy in times of crisis.

How do you have a crisis intervention?

There are many different types of crisis intervention. Sometimes people are addicted to drugs and a preist or other religious official is brought in to attempt to intervene and help the individual. There are also medical crisis interventions including sending the Police and calling 911 when a patient is in imminent danger (such as suicidal thoughts or bomb threats.)

How did Europe responde to the economic crisis?

Europe responded to the economic crisis by selling shoes and food to older and richer people and if it wasn't for that all the people would have had to eat them selfs in stead and that wouldn't have been right to other people.

Did government intervention increase after the Great Depression in the 1930s?

Yes, government intervention increased significantly after the Great Depression in the 1930s. The economic crisis led to the implementation of numerous New Deal programs by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to stimulate the economy, provide relief for the unemployed, regulate the financial sector, and protect against future economic downturns. These interventions marked a significant expansion of the federal government's role in the economy and set the stage for increased government involvement in subsequent years.

What is Revolution about?

French Revolution is a group of people who fought on economic crisis on freedom and equality

What caused the Whig party to gain strength during the Van Buren presidency?

There was an economic recession that many people blamed Van Buren for causing or at least not fixing.