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the price would go up and the drug wars would continue would increase there would be more laws and stiffer laws if you get caught smoking. look at the laws now about cigarettes can't smoke here can't smoke there it would be the same for smoking a joint . only the man would come down harder cause it the law man.

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Q: If marijuana were to be legalized in the US What would you predict would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of marijuana?
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No, not at this time. This is a very controversial question, and even though the president admits to having used marijuana when he was young, he knows it is a very contentious issue. Many adults (including those who used it during their youth) are not comfortable with legalizing it, although surveys show more people in favor of decriminalizing it. The president also knows a conservative congress would never pass legislation that legalized marijuana. However, there is a better chance of medical marijuana being legalized at some point, although it is difficult to predict when that will occur.

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