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yes the dollar will be devalued its inevitable, but hyper inflation? that's a scary thought! but cant see it happening, but if the US was any other country in the world it would probably turn into Argentina all over again, but it just has too much influence for that to happen...or does it?? - Im sure China is sick of bankrolling America by now, but it needs their market share so as I say I think it will come through without hyperinflation.

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Q: If there is a great infusion of money into the economy through the stimulus program will not the dollar be devalued and the US eventually face hyper inflation?
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How does government intervene to lower inflation or unemployment?

The government acts on inflation through The Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve acts on inflation by targeting interest rates through the reserve requirement. When interest rates are high, people want to keep money in their bank accounts, and inflation decreases. When interest rates are low, people are more willing to spend their money and inflation increases. Once, the Federal Reserve actually pushed the United States into a recession once to battle especially high inflation. Ever since then, it has been very important for the Federal Reserve to keep inflation in check. The government, as demonstrated during the latest recession, enacts many different stimulus packages to help the economy recover and help unemployment come down from extremely high percentages.

What is an insufficient stimulus described as?

Subthreshold stimulus

Stimulus checks?

Will I receive a stimulus check?

What is the stimulus for taste?

The stimulus for taste is chemical reaction.

If there is high inflation the federal reserve will want to increase the money supply?

One of the two (according to the Keynesian) reason that can create high inflation is attributed to the increased money supply where "too much money chasing too few goods" Therefore, to reduce inflation, the Federal reserve would want to DECREASE the money supply. However, the increase in money supply can create stimulus demand and depreciate the exchange rate of the US Dollars which are considered (although questionable) beneficial to the US economy.

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What is neutral stimulus?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that initially does not elicit a specific response. In classical conditioning, the neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus through repeated pairing, eventually causing the neutral stimulus to elicit the same response as the meaningful stimulus.

When a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus has occurred?

When a neutral stimulus acquires the ability to elicit a response by being repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, it becomes a conditioned stimulus through a process called classical conditioning. This process involves the neutral stimulus eventually triggering the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

What is principle conditioning?

Pavlovian or classical conditioning is a type of learning where an individual comes to associate two different stimuli. This process involves pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response. The neutral stimulus eventually becomes a conditioned stimulus that triggers the same response as the unconditioned stimulus.

How do you Extinguish classically conditioned behavior?

You can extinguish classically conditioned behavior by repeatedly presenting the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus until the conditioned response weakens and eventually disappears. This process is known as extinction. It is important to consistently withhold the unconditioned stimulus so that the association between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is broken.

In a conditioning experiment what behavioral state is reached when the stimulus no longer evokes a response?

Denying the expected reward for response to a stimulus will eventually result in the "extinction" of the conditioned behavioral response.

In a typical classical conditioning experiment a neutral stimulus is?

In a typical classical conditioning experiment, a neutral stimulus is a stimulus that initially does not elicit a specific response. It becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus through repeated pairing, eventually eliciting a conditioned response on its own.

Have gold prices risen because of an inflation scare due to the stimulus?

Gold prices have risen as the value of the dollar drops. This is a normal occurance in a tough economy.

What is conditioned and unconditioned stimulus?

A conditioned stimulus is a previously neutral stimulus that, after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, triggers a conditioned response. An unconditioned stimulus is one that naturally triggers a response without prior learning, such as food causing salivation.

Which of the following is the appropriate sequence for classically conditioning an eyeblink response to an auditory stimulus?

The appropriate sequence is as follows: Present the auditory stimulus (unconditioned stimulus) Follow the auditory stimulus with a puff of air to the eye (unconditioned response) Pair the auditory stimulus with the puff of air multiple times Eventually, the auditory stimulus alone will elicit an eyeblink response (conditioned response)

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Stimulus generalization occurs when a response is elicited by a similar stimulus to the one originally paired with a certain response. Stimulus discrimination involves responding differently to similar stimuli based on learned associations or cues.

When a strong conditioned stimulus is paired with a neutral to become a second conditioned stimulus?

When a strong conditioned stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus, the neutral stimulus can acquire the ability to elicit the conditioned response even without the presence of the original conditioned stimulus. This process is known as second-order conditioning, where the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus through association with the strong conditioned stimulus.

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