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Q: Is Diseconomies of scale a barriers to entry?
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What does the writer mean by diseconomies of sale?

Not profiting from economies of scale, because there are no economies of scale. That is meant by diseconomies of scale.

Internal diseconomies of scale?

as growth continues a point may be reached where certain internal diseconomies of scale arise such as management, labour, other inputs

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What are the reasons for General Motors dis economies of scale?

diseconomies have this and that which I hate you in.. than you

What are the Types of Returns to scale?

Economies of scale (costs decrease), diseconomies of scale (costs increase), constant returns to scale (costs stay the same)

Describe the barriers to entry to a market and explain how they affect market structure?

Barriers to entry vary between markets. Some barriers to entry include money, governmental regulations and competitors. Most businesses will structure their businesses to exploit barriers to entry and make it hard for others entering to compete.

Difference between economics of scale and diseconomics of scale?

I assume you mean economies of scale and diseconomies of scale. Economies of scale are the benefits of lower average costs gained by a firm because it is large. Economies of scale can include things like the bulk buying of raw materials etc. Diseconomies of scale happen when a firm becomes too large for its own good and becomes inefficient, therefore resulting in higher average costs.

How does a company recognize that they've achieved economies of scale or diseconomies of scale?

They can recognise this by seeing that, when quantity is changed, the unit cost of production is falling or increasing at a changing rate. When there is an economy of scale, the unit cost of production is decreasing with units produced; with diseconomies, it is increasing. This can also be represented mathematically by finding the derivatives of cost functions.

Why LRAC and SRAC are of U shape?

It is influenced by economies and diseconomies of scale. Economies of scale is when the size of it scale enlarged, that's mean total output increase but cost per unit decrease.

What does the term economies of scale refer to?

It refers to the reduction of cost per increased unit of production in order to raise efficiency. The inverse of this is also called diseconomies of scale.

Types of profits in the long run in oligopoly?

Supernormal profits due to high barriers to entry. Profits in the long run are determined by the barriers to entry. If there is high barriers to entry, new firms cannot enter the industry easily and hence cannot competed with existing firms for profits. Existing firms would be able to enjoy supernormal profits. On the contrary, weak barriers to entry means that the long run profits would be competed away by new firms entering the industry, hence firms would earn normal profits. Oligopoly market is characterised by high barriers to entry, largely due to non-price competition such as branding, advertising, etc. High barriers could also be due to economies of scale and high fixed cost.

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