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No, it is found throughout the world.

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Q: Is poverty and wealth a unique problem in the US?
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In what ways is wealth in the United States connected to poverty?

In the United States or anywhere else, wealth is connected to poverty only indirectly. Both are such vague and general terms that a specific answer is not possible. In the United States, at least, wealthy people can become poor and poor people can become wealthy. Wealth can be inherited or accumulated in a person's lifetime. Those that are able to accumulate wealth usually have abilities that enable them and circumstances that allow them to use these abilities. Poverty can be the circumstances that you're born or raised in or it can be acquired in a person's lifetime. In the case of 'inherited' poverty, a person in the US can also use their abilities to accumulate wealth in their lifetime, IF the circumstances are available to use their abilities. People of any means can become poor from either their own desire, mistakes, or change in circumstances over which they have no control. The only real connection between poverty and wealth in the US is the abilities, circumstances, and desire of each individual. We are guaranteed the right of 'pursuit of happiness'; we are not guaranteed the result of that pursuit. The pursuit of wealth is a choice that not everyone will make; in fact wealth is not a priority for most people. Poverty may not be a first choice either, but some people in those circumstances may not know how to change those circumstances or may not be willing to do what it takes to change them.

What is the US poverty line?

For a family of 2 the US poverty line is $15,730. For a family of four the poverty line is $23,850.

What is the poverty level income in the US?

One in Six Americans live in Poverty

Was Ronal Reagan born to poverty or wealth?

He was most certainly not born into wealth, but he was not really poor either. Many historians believe that the reason he was such a good president, who really cared about and related to the American people, was because he was from a middle class family and he worked regular jobs just like the rest of us.

How many white people live in poverty in the US?


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Was President Lyndon Johnson's war on poverty a success or failure?

During the Lyndon B. Johnson administration, the president began a series of programs aimed at reducing poverty in the US. This "war on poverty" has not been a success. Poverty remains a problem in the US.

Is there a poverty problem in the US?

Yes: not just destitution, but the fact that the vast majority are excluded from owning and controlling the country’s resources.

What percentage of all us families have little or no wealth?

Approximately 14% of US families reported having little to no wealth, according to a survey conducted by the Federal Reserve. This accounts for over 19 million families who are essentially in a state of asset poverty.

In what ways is wealth in the United States connected to poverty?

In the United States or anywhere else, wealth is connected to poverty only indirectly. Both are such vague and general terms that a specific answer is not possible. In the United States, at least, wealthy people can become poor and poor people can become wealthy. Wealth can be inherited or accumulated in a person's lifetime. Those that are able to accumulate wealth usually have abilities that enable them and circumstances that allow them to use these abilities. Poverty can be the circumstances that you're born or raised in or it can be acquired in a person's lifetime. In the case of 'inherited' poverty, a person in the US can also use their abilities to accumulate wealth in their lifetime, IF the circumstances are available to use their abilities. People of any means can become poor from either their own desire, mistakes, or change in circumstances over which they have no control. The only real connection between poverty and wealth in the US is the abilities, circumstances, and desire of each individual. We are guaranteed the right of 'pursuit of happiness'; we are not guaranteed the result of that pursuit. The pursuit of wealth is a choice that not everyone will make; in fact wealth is not a priority for most people. Poverty may not be a first choice either, but some people in those circumstances may not know how to change those circumstances or may not be willing to do what it takes to change them.

How are material poverty and poverty of the heart related to each other?

"One does not live by bread alone" (Luke 4:4) Assuming this question is part of the Catholic teaching... Jesus told others to embrace the poverty they are born into. The wealthy have the special obligation to assist the poor as if they would assist Jesus. We do not achieve salvation by material wealth; however, it is necessary for us to be truly in communion with God. Jesus calls us to be unattached to material wealth, so we don't let it compromise our salvation.

What is the US poverty line?

For a family of 2 the US poverty line is $15,730. For a family of four the poverty line is $23,850.

Why is poverty evil?

The reason why poverty is evil is because the wealthy make laws to protect their riches or wealth, rather than destroying poverty by giving to the poor, so when the poverty stricken want something to sustain their life, they have to break the laws that the wealthy created to keep their wealth safe, thus the poverty are a threat and evil to the wealthy. Just as Adam and Eve had everlasting life but they broke God's law that He made to keep them from the knowledge, His wealth of good and evil, for with that they could become as God knowing good and evil and have everlasting life as God, and God's powers would be under threat because they could give us life everlasting as they had. We all now are punished by God for being born through Carnal Knowledge and Sensuality thus we are in poverty and are evil to God because He won't give to us His wealth, the powers He has so as to give man everlasting life as He did for Adam and Eve, He has the wealth for Eternal Life. So His wealth the power of Eternal Life is under threat and He creates laws to protect His wealth even though He knows that we can't keep them unless it be by pleading, begging, and promising ourselves to HIM to do His will and be His slaves as do the poverty stricken evil law breakers and servants of the wealthy. Even employees are servants to the wealthy one way or the other and beg and plead and do the will of the wealthy to keep their style of life, they to may be seen to be a threat and evil to the wealthy if they became to rich.

What were some of the extremes of poverty wealth and opportunity in the US in the late 1800s?

They were often poor, had few job skills, spoke little English, didn't understand how American democracy worked, had few resources to get help, and needed child care while they worked.

How people live in poverty in the US?

600,534 people live in poverty in the US. hoped this helped you!

In the US how many people lived in poverty?

600,534 people live in poverty in the US. hoped this helped you!

How is poverty measured in the US?

The us census bureau determines poverty status by comparing pre -tax

Does the US have the highest poverty rate?

The US does not have the highest poverty rate globally, but it does have a significant poverty rate compared to other developed nations. Factors such as income inequality, access to healthcare, and social support systems contribute to the level of poverty in the US.