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Q: No firm is completely sheltered from rivals all firms compete for consumer dollars if that is so does pure monopoly exist?
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How do businesses compete for consumer sells?


What benefits do consumers receive as a result of competition in private sector markets?

Suppliers compete for consumer's business and has to outperform each other with respect to:quality of product and/or service,product price,ease of obtaining the service or product,utility of the product or service,after sales service, etc.All these aspects ensures a better consumer experience.In the absence of competition, the consumer is alone in negotiating with the supplier, who then has a monopoly.

Is the NFL a monopoly?

Its a abbreviation for the national football league. As there aren't any other leagues of football teams that compete constantly with each other to make money it must be a monopoly.

What makes ESKOM a monopoly?

Eskom is a Monopoly because is the only Electricity Ernergy supplier in the country .It does not compete when it comes to supply of it thereof.It was like Telkom prior 1994 when Cell phones were absent.

What is shared monopoly?

Shared or Joint monopoly refers to anticompetitive behaviour by firms, normally an oligopoly, in order to secure monopoly profits for the firms as a group. Essentially, shared monopoly requires some form of collusion but stops short of being a formal cartel. It is therefore similar to tacit collusion. In a shared monopoly firms may not compete for the same customers and have instead local monopolies.

What is tobacco monopoly?

A monopoly is a business who makes unique products and have very little to no competition because of it. Apple is a monopoly because only Apple manufactures the iphone, ipad, and itunes. Although people try to compete, no one can make the exact product but Apple. I don't know of a tobacco monopoly but I guess Newport is the closest thing, followed by Marlboro, of course.

What is it called when a business is in compete control over the supply of a product?

That's called a 'monopoly' - Since they are the only supplier of the product - they can fix the price.

Why is eskom a monopoly?

Eskom is a Monopoly because is the only Electricity Ernergy supplier in the country .It does not compete when it comes to supply of it thereof.It was like Telkom prior 1994 when Cell phones were absent.

Do you think Women should directly compete with men in sports?

No, because our hormones and strengths are completely different.

What is meant by market structure?

An oligopoly is an intermediate market structure between the extremes of perfect competition and monopoly. Oligopoly firms might compete (noncooperative oligopoly) or cooperate (cooperative oligopoly) in the Marketplace.

What role companies play in free enterprice system?

Companies create employment and compete to efficiently satisfy consumer demands in the free enterprise system.

What is a monpoly?

A monopoly is a market structure in which a single company or entity controls the supply of a particular product or service, giving them significant market power. This can lead to limited competition, higher prices, and potentially lower quality or innovation for consumers.