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over production can lead to a surplus of goods and/or services, and shortages can occur when demand for a product exceeds the productions of said product

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Q: What can cause shortages or surpluses of goods and services?
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When do shortage occur?

Shortages occur when producers will not or can't offer goods or services at current prices.

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What are the consequences of a planned economy?

There are two general limitations:Inefficient resource distribution: surplus and shortage; The economic planners are unlikely able to accurately predict future supply and demand. Without market forces to adjust demand and supply you will likely end up with inefficiencies in production as a resut of surpluses for goods not wanted and shortages of goods which were desired.Suppression of economic democracy and self-management. Market forces allow entrepreneur and business to react quickly to market forces and ensure that there are less shortages and surpluses.

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Lack of incentives to work hard in planned economy Sometimes poor quality of goods and shortages Failure to meet set ideals or consumer needs. Lack of varieties of goods and services Consumers can choose only those goods or services which are produces and decided by the government

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By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it. By the amount of goods or services you can buy for it.

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