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Stalin's goal was to turn the Soviet Union into a military and industrial superpower. Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1952.

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Q: What did Stalin want to transform the Soviet Union into?
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How was the Soviet Union's command economy successful - how was it unsuccessful?

The command economy under Stalin is credited with turning Russia into a modern industrialized nation, and giving Russia the industrial capacity that it needed to successfully defeat the invading army of the Third Reich. In the longer term, however, it failed to gain the support of the general population which became increasingly unproductive and rebellious, culminating in the collapse of the Soviet system in 1990. People prefer to run their own lives, they do not want a command economy that controls all of their economic activity.

Why did Europe want to create the European union?

The European Union was created to create a more stable, united Europe.

Command economies as in the former Soviet Union often have terrible shortages of common consumer goods like bathroom tissue How do market economies usually avoid such terrible shortages?

In market economies consumers learn not to want things that are not supplied, so there can never be a real shortage in a market economy.

Why would a country not want to become a member of the european union?

A country may not want to join the European Union because they seek neutrality, are doing fine on their own, or are displeased with the European Union (opposed of the idea or members or just displeased with the outcome [most important example is economic meltdown of the European Union]). EU has many laws that has to be adopted by the member countries. Member countries also may have to help other member countries in financial crisis. However, despite these reasons, almost all countries in Europe wish to join the European Union, either soon or in the near future.

Which of the European Union's countries is keeping its own currency and why?

Denmark and the United Kingdom have opt-outs on changing to the Euro. This says that they have the right to keep their own currency if they want. The countries want this because they do not think the Euro is necessary for their country, they don't trust the currency, it'll be too much to handle to switch, etc. (many reasons). All other European Union members are expected to eventually switch to the Euro, as this is a rule by the EU.

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What two things did Stalin want in post-war Poland?

Stalin wanted to move the boarders of of the Soviet Union Westward.

What did Joseph Stalin want for the Soviet Union?

He dreamed of power and control.He wanted people to worship him.

Where did the soviet union want communism to expand to?

everywhere. Stalin wanted the world's workers to revolt against capitalism

What did Stalin want to use the border countries for?

Soviet Union interest in Finland, Estonia,Latvia and Lithuania had to do with security. Stalin feared these countries could serve as base of operations for Germany or West as a whole in an event of attack against Soviet Union. On the other hand, seizing control over these countries would provide Soviet Union with a firmer foothold in area of Baltic Sea.

What country did Joseph Stalin represent during world war 2?

He represented the USSR or Soviet Union whatever you want to call it. USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) That country is now called Russia.

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tion with a communist government aligned with the Soviet Union.

What did Stalin want the allies to do to reduce pressure on the Soviet Union of World War 2?

When Germany turned on the Soviet Union and began a massive invasion eastward Stalin called desperately on the allies to open up a western front to ease the pressure on the Red Army. It did happen but not for about 3yrs while the allies built the force to do it successfully. In the meantime, the Soviets held the German army at Stalingrad.

What rights did Roosevelt want the Soviet Union to guarantee American nationals?

documents to guarantee the soviet union

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The Soviet Union wanted the US to open up a second front.

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they didnt want to take on each other!

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the U.S. did not want the Soviet Union and China to enter the war.

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