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Modern technology and equipment because developing countries such as African countries doesn't have the same technology as European countries,or other countries related to their technology and equipment.

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Q: What factor has helped make commercial farming in developed countries more successful than subsistence farming in developing countries?
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Does subsistence farming take place mostly in a developed or developing country?

Subsistence farming is more commonly practiced in developing countries where farmers grow food primarily to feed themselves and their families rather than for selling in markets. This type of farming is prevalent in regions with limited resources and infrastructure for commercial agriculture.

The economic dichotomy that occurs in countries where a modern commercial economy overlies a subsistence economy is called?


Where are Subsistence Farms?

Subsistence farms are in poor countries like Africa, ect.

Which type of agriculture is found primarily in developing countries?

Subsistence agriculture is primarily found in developing countries, where farmers grow crops to feed themselves and their families. This type of agriculture is often practiced on small plots of land with limited resources and technology.

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What are some disadvantages that developing countries have over other countries?

The developing countries that have open trade policies become more successful than those, such as Africa, that have barriers to global trade. Also, relying on exporting traditional goods and not encouraging invention and innovation hinders economic growth of developing countries.

What is the geographic distribution for subsistence agriculture?

Subsistence agriculture is practiced in rural areas around the world, particularly in developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. It is common in regions where access to modern agricultural techniques and technology is limited, and where farmers rely on traditional methods to grow crops for their own consumption.

What has the author Mohamed Kameshki written?

Mohamed Kameshki has written: 'Assessment of commercial projects in developing countries'

How do develop and developing countries different?

Developed countries produce large quantities of goods, services, and in general do a lot of manufacturing. Countries such as these use science to improve technology and generally have good health care and education for their people, as well as adequate food, clothing, and housing. Developing countries practice subsistence farming and often have a poor income, clothing, and housing. Very few people in developing countries receive proper health care or education, and life expectancy is relatively short. Most developing countries also lack the resources needed for economic growth.

What type of agriculture practiced by the largest percentage of the worlds people?

Subsistence agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world's people. This involves producing enough food to meet the needs of the farmer and their family, with little or no surplus for trade. It is commonly found in developing countries and rural areas.

What continent has most developing countries?

Africa has the most developing countries.