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Market forces push toward equilibrium

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Q: What happens when any market is in disequilibrium and prices are flexible?
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What is a market-clearing model?

The market clearing model is a model where prices adjust to equilibrating demand and supply meaning the quantity supply equals the quantity demanded. These models are useful for studying situations where prices are flexible.

When disaster strikes what happens to prices?

Prices increase because things have been destroyed and there are not as many of them as before on the market.

How do market-clearing prices act as signals to buyers and sellers?

Most economists see the assumption of continuous market clearing as not very realistic. However, many see the assumption of flexible prices as useful in long-run analysis, since prices are not stuck forever

What happens to prices when there is a shortage in the market?

The price goes up if the demand is high

What happens to prices set below market equilibrium?

There are a number of things that will happen to prices set below market equilibrium. They will cause a high demand and this will result in limited supply due to the low prices.

If the number of sellers in a market decreases what happens?

The prices went up and some people started to worry that these prices were too high

What are some examples of how government actions can affect prices and are the prices in equilibrium or disequilibrium before and after the government's actions?

One could be by Rent Control and another of Price Ceiling

What is a market clearing model?

The market clearing model is a model where prices adjust to equilibrating demand and supply meaning the quantity supply equals the quantity demanded. These models are useful for studying situations where prices are flexible.

What is a marketing model?

The market clearing model is a model where prices adjust to equilibrating demand and supply meaning the quantity supply equals the quantity demanded. These models are useful for studying situations where prices are flexible.

When there are simultaneous changes in demand and supply what happens?

changes in relative prices are the driving force in the market mechanism

What happens to the secondary market when the fed buys treasury bonds?

Prices tend to go up as demand has increased.

What are the advantages of using prices to distribute economic products?

1. Prices in a competitive mart economy are neutral because they favor neither the producer nor the consumer. 2. Prices in a market economy are flexible. 3. Prices have no cost of administration. 4. Prices are something that we have known about all our lives. (All info was straight out of an eco. textbook)