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"What do you mean by "too little" money?

The lower the money supply is the higher nominal prices go."

^^^^^^.... are you retarded....^^^^^^^

The answer to this question is a recession. When there isn't enough money in the economy. There is a recession. Just like what we are in. As of now, there has not been enough money to pay employers, that is why people are being laid off.


OP is referring to the supply of money.

When there is too much money in the economy, Inflation can occur. Conversely when there is too little, deflation can occur.

There is less dollar bills to go around: therefore they are worth a lot more, have more purchasing power, and since they are worth more you can get more for your dollar ie. prices of things drop.

Real life economics, though, are more complex. Tons of other factors including overall economic stability, confidence of the people, etc. also affect what might happen if there is too little money in the economy.

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