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An embargo is the act of one country banning trade with another country. This could just be with one industry, or trade with the entire country.

A cartel is when a coalition of manufacturers tries to maintain a high price on an item and limit competition.

Diffusion means to spread widely. In trade, this would probably mean to distribute a product over a larger area.

Tariffs are when one country charges a foreign company to sell their product in the country.

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Q: What is it called when one nation refuses all trade with another?
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What is it called When one nation refuses trade with another?

An embargo is the act of one country banning trade with another country. This could just be with one industry, or trade with the entire country. A cartel is when a coalition of manufacturers tries to maintain a high price on an item and limit competition. Diffusion means to spread widely. In trade, this would probably mean to distribute a product over a larger area. Tariffs are when one country charges a foreign company to sell their product in the country.

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