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Q: What is the basic coordinating mechanism in a free market system is?
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What is the basic coordinating mechanism is a free market system?

the basic coordinating mechanism in a free market system is Price.

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how does the market mechanism solve the basic problem of free market economy?

What is a basic feature of the free-market system?

A basic feature of the free market system is that consumers make their own economic choices

Economic system which people and privately owned companies own basic and non basic businesses?


The three basic characteristics of a capitalist system are?

Private ownership of property, free market competition, and profit motive are the three basic characteristics of a capitalist system.

Define equilibrium price and name the mechanism for setting this price in a free-market system?

The equilibrium price refers to the price point at which supply and demand are equal. This price can be found by applying the three basic properties of equilibrium.

In which economic system do individuals answer the basic economic questions?

market economy

What are the three basic characteristics of a capitalist system?

Private Property, a market system, and worker freedom.

How a mixed economy uses market mechanism to solve basic economy problem?

A mixed economy can use the price mechanism to solve basic economy problem by eliminating a surplus if there is a surplus of goods causing the problem. This will cause the market price of those goods to drop. The price mechanism can also be used to expand suppliersâ?? production of a certain good when prices are rising because there is a high customer demand for that good.

What the basic mechanism of vaccine?

To allow your immune system to recognize the modified virus to prevent yourself from getting the virus yourself

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What is phagacytosis?

There is a little more to it, but a basic way to define is: In the immune system it's a mechanism used to remove pathogens and cell debris.