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Q: What steps should a country take in order to reach a point outside a ppf?
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A point that lies outside a country's production possibilities curve mean what?

A point that lies outside a country's production possibilities curve means that the country is not able to produce. The possibility curve shows how a country can efficiently produce.

How do you construct a line tangent through a circle through a point outside the circle?

The tangent line only touches the outside of a circle at one given point. So an outside line perpendicular to the circle's diameter at 90 degrees should do.

What is a point that lies outside a country's production possibilities curve?

The Country, given its current technology and available resources cannot produce this combination of goods. Presently it is unobtainable

How do you remove a gag order?

if the judge did not sign the gagging order then it should not be legal, but it is a point to question.

What is the freezing point of transmission fluid?

It has to be extremely cold outside in order for your transmission fluid in your car to freeze. The freezing point of transmission fluid is -65.2 degrees F.

What is the difference between reorder point and reorder level?

Reorder point is deals with the specific time in which you should place an order with your supplier. Reorder level is the specific quantity that you should have on hand when your order is placed.

Why must rinse the outside of the Visking tubing thoroughly with water?

so as to prevent contamination. that should be one point.

Is Easternmost point capitalized?

Yes, Easternmost should be capitalized when referring to a specific location on the easternmost point of something, such as a country or territory.

Why is hbk's location hidden?

He lives in a gated community in the hill country outside San Antonio. The whole point of living in a gated community is privacy.

What position should the temp needle be on a 2010 town and country Chrysler?

Mid point of the gauge.

Exterior plumbing stack vents should be where?

Vents should be on the highest point of the stack and preferably on the wall outside and not in ducts, this due to future maintenance and ease of installation.

What are the requirements to visit Scotland?

If you will be visiting Scotland from within the UK, there are no legal requirements. If your starting point is outside the UK, check with the British Embassy in your own country.