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It led to the Trail of Tears.

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it is because is cracy

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What was the effects of the Indian removal act of 1830?

it forced native americans from areas where they had lived for hundreds of years

What act moved native Americans west of the Mississippi river?

Indian Removal Act

What was the law that allowed native Americans to be removed from their lands?

The Indian Removal Act

What are some possible effects that the Indian Removal Act might have on the Native Americans already living west?

They won't be able to live there anymore.

What are some possible effects the Indian removal act might have on native American already living in the west?

The Native Americans can't live there anymore

How did the Indian removal act benefit the Native Americans?


What was one of the main effects of the indian removal act?

The Trail of Tears

Who got hurt most by the Indian removal act?

The Native Americans did.

What were some goals for the Indian removal act?

Think about the name of the act. Indian removal. That was the goal. To remove Native Americans with any means possible.

How did the Indian removal act affect the natives?

The Indian Removal Act caused much hardship and forever changed relations between whites and Native Americans

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The Indian Removal Act caused much hardship and forever changed relations between whites and Native Americans

Congress passed what act to relocate native Americans?

Indian removal act