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why do small firms continue to exist despite competition from large firms

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Q: Why do small firms continue to exist despite the issue of competition?
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Either an oligopoly (dominated by a few firms) or monopoly (if these 4 firms collude - control price and supply)

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Firms try to avoid competition so that they can set higher profits and earn greater profits.

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In the short run, abnormal profits exist but in the long run, it gets eroded away because new firms enter the industry.

Why do small firms exist?

Small firms exist because they help strengthen the economy. Smaller firms create jobs and pay taxes that help support the community.

There is no control over price by firms in?

Pure competition

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Firms might engage in price competition by advertising that they offer the lowest price on selected merchandise. Price competition lowers the selling price of the good, relative to competitors' prices.-From

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Firms exist in order to minimize transactions costs. Tough that is only one of many reasons.

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In monopolistic competition, firms capture monopoly profits through specialisation of their product, making it non-substitutable with competing firms' products. In oligopolistic competition, this does not occur. Instead, three are three general outcomes: 1) firms collude to mimic a monopoly and share monopoly profits; 2) a dominant firm leads the market and sets the price; 3) firms compete freely and but take each other's decisions into account.

What is the explanation for the features of monopolistic competition?

Existence of large firms, no competition and influence over the prices are some of the characteristics of monopolistic competition.