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Indifference curve is convex to the origin.This means that the slope of indifference curve decreases as we move the curve from left to right.This can be explained in terms of Marginal rate of substitution of good X for good Y. The marginal rate of substitution is the maximum amount of Y the consumer is willing to give up to get an additional unit of X.This specifies the terms of trade-off between bundles of goods among which the consumer is indifferent. As the consumer moves down the curve he acquires more X and is left with less Y.So the amount of Y he would be willing to give up to get an additional unit of X becomes progressively smaller as is natural. So, the MRSxy diminishes as he moves from left to right.The convexity of the indifference curve illustrate the diminishing rate of substitution of X for Y associated with the movement down the curve from left to right.

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Q: Why indifference curve is convex to origin?
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1) Concave down. 2) Always decreasing. 3) Represents a fixed utility value (and therefore can never intersect another indifference curve). 4) Is considered equally optimal any where on the curve. 5) The lower the indifference curve is, the less optimal it is. The optimal indifference curve is the one furthest away from the origin.

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Why is the Graph of the Indifference Curve Convex to the Origin and not Concave?

an indifference curves are convex not concave bcz: when we are using the two coomodities, both are sbtitute to each other, consumer will either use one or the other, he has to select one according to his taste, so MRS is diminishing, 2. the indifference curves are convex to the ogigan, this implies that the slope of IC is decreased as we move from let to right in the graph. this axom is derved from the point that MRS s decreasing. an indifference curves are convex not concave bcz: when we are using the two coomodities, both are sbtitute to each other, consumer will either use one or the other, he has to select one according to his taste, so MRS is diminishing, 2. the indifference curves are convex to the ogigan, this implies that the slope of IC is decreased as we move from let to right in the graph. this axom is derved from the point that MRS s decreasing.

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