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I used this response for economics......

Specialization is important in the operation of a market because everyone wants thing but in the highest quality for they're usage. A person that makes many things would probably get more business but a specialist would get the most sales from that one item that they can make. These specialist will then be able to sell and trade with other people for the things that they want.

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12y ago

Specialization is very important to the economic world because of this. Say you are realt good at putting together a car engine. (you work in a car factory) but you have to assemble a whole car. You would be very slow at say putting the brakes in, but really fast at the engine. When Henry Ford saw how this slowed down work, he moved to specialization. This way, everyone only had to do what they were good at, so the whole prcess speeded up. (the assembly line) Long answer short, so production is faster..... Supply and demand.

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Q: Why is specialization of labor important?
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Specialization and labor are related in a number of ways. Specialization is the ability for an invididual to do a certain task. For example, a doctor specializes in medical practices. This is related to labor because in society, people specialize in differnent fields of work and then they conduct their labor.

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A Division of labor

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specialization among workers