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maybe. it might survive but it will be very tiny. it's lungs are not fully developed at that point. it will be on a breathing machine but in some areas like Africa it will die

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no because it has to fully develop

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Q: Can a baby survive at 20 weeks?
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At 32 weeks a baby would generally survive, however may need to be in an incubator for a while and have some help breathing

Can baby survive at 32 weeks?

At 32 weeks a baby would generally survive, however may need to be in an incubator for a while and have some help breathing

What if your water breaks at 20 weeks can the baby survive?

No they can not. There has been a few cases in this world but in general no. The question was water breaking, not birth. Yes, your baby can survive. The hospital will put you on bed rest, repress birth with drugs and inject you with steroids to promote faster growth. As long as you can hold of giving birth for as many weeks as possible, there is a good chance the baby can survive.

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Yes, a baby has a chance at surviving at 28 weeks gestation.

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Premature labor is contractions that occur after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks during pregnancy. The baby is more likely to survive and be healthy if it remains in the uterus for the full term of the pregnancy.

Crying at 20 weeks pregnant will it harm your baby?

no, crying will not harm the baby

At what month does a baby move?

after 20-21 weeks

Can you give birth at 5 months?

It has been known to happen, but is highly risky and not all babies survive because their little lungs, skin, etc., are not developed enough. Still, miracles never cease.Yes, its happened and its not a good think. The baby most likely will have medical issue's or could be lost. The baby won't survive.Five months is 20 weeks. I know of a baby that survived at 22 weeks, but generally the doctors will not even put a baby born earlier than 24 weeks on life support. The chances of a baby born at 20 weeks surviving are almost nil.