An employer cannot fire you merely because you have filed a worker's compensation claim. However, you can be fired while on worker's compensation if there is just cause that is not related to the worker's compensation.
Generally, no, if you are on Workers' Compensation because of a work-related injury, it is illegal for your employer to punish or fire you for having a job injury, or for filing a workers' compensation claim when you believe your injury was caused by your job.
If you feel your job is threatened, find someone who can help. Note that there are deadlines for taking action to protect your rights.
However, while the employer cannot fire you BECAUSE you are on WC, but can fire you for other reasons.
Bob and Sam get in a fistfight at work, contrary to published rules, and Bob already on a written warning. Bob gets injured in the fight and draws WC benefits. Bob also gets fired for fighting and violation of the previous discipline. No WC law violation.
Trucker Jim gets in an injury accident driving the company's truck drunk. He get WC benefits and he gets fired. And prosecuted for DWI. No WC law violation
WC is not a shield against getting disciplined and fired when you deserve it.
Was it an on the job injury?
I hope
Type your answer here... Yes
As each state's criteria for eligibility and amount of workman's comp payable differs, you need to contact your state's office for clarification.
In the state of Indiana, you still will receive workmans compensation after being terminated from your job. You will receive workmans compensation until the doctor releases you.
i want to know how long workman's comp. lasts?
This is usually called "Workers' Compensation Insurance", or "Workers' Comp" / "Workmans Comp" for short.
It is When a Man or Women is injured on the the job and the Job Company they work for still gives them there pay while injured until they are able or fit to return back to work.
If it happens "on the Job" workmans comp. will cover.
No you cannot be fired.
Answer Workmans Compensation is there to cover men and women who are injured on the job. If you ate something for lunch and got sick from it, workmans compensation won't cover it, as it didn't happen as a result of the job.