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Bell and Bell receivers are strictly for use in Canada.

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Q: Can you use a bell receiver with dish satellite tv dish?
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Can you use a bell expressvu satellite dish with shaw direct receiver?

yes you can yes you can

Can you use your DVR dish receiver with a cable hook-up?

No you cannot. The receiver decodes the signal coming from the satellite that is unique to DISH Network.

How do you draw a satellite link in a computer schematic?

Graphically you'd draw a stylised satellite (in orbit) and satellite dish (on the ground), with a dashed line between the two. If the dish is both transmitter and receiver, use arrowheads in both directions. If it is a receiver only, arrowheads should point from the satellite to the dish.

Can you use your Direct TV box on a different satellite dish?

Yes, the receiver will still work.

What is the cable used for linking the satellite cable antenna to the receiver?

We use a RG6 coax cable from the dish to the receiver. The cable used between the receiver to the TV varies.

Can you use a directv dish with a dishnetwork receiver?

Just to clarify on the answers given. The LNBs are different for DISH Network and DTV along with the receivers. The LNB and receiver takes the signal from the satellite and gives you your signal on your TV. As stated, you can't use different receivers and LNB from different companies. The dish outside does not matter, just the LNB and receiver. Simply, no. The satellite dishes use different switching schemes internally for accessing the satellite transponders. Bull....loney. I'm using an old 18" DirecTv dish to receive signals from a Dishnetworks satellite at 119W. The satellite receivers will be different because different signalling protocols are used.

How satellites use signals to get to your tv?

1 - programming source transmits signal to a DBS provider broadcast center (Satellite TV Providers) 2 - these satellite tv providers automatically assigns received signal from the programming source to their respective bands and transmits to the satellite dish. 3 - when a user requests for a band/channel, by using a receiver it will then requests the band from the satellite to a satellite dish connected to the receiver.

Can you use a bell express-vu dish and a star-choice receiver together?

Yes, You can but make sure you have use the right LNBF What is a LNBF

Is rg6 coax cable the best to use for satellite tv in home?

For Dish Network, we use RG6 coax cable to allow a higher frequency range for the satellite signal from the dish to your receiver. Any coax cable not rated at RG6 could affect the signal.

How do you install strong staellite receiver?

Satellite reception requires the installation and use of a satellite dish. You would very securely bolt the dish to the Southwest corner of your roof. It's best to let an expert set the coordinates for best reception after installing.

Can you use a direct tv dish and a expressvu receiver together?

Yes, there is no difference. I use a Direct dish and an Expressvu receiver at the cottage.

Can you use R 59 wire for a satellite dish?

You can use it, but it can (and often does) cause the receiver and/or the LNB on the sat dish to malfunction.RG59 wire is not thick enough to carry 18 volts from the sat receiver box to the dish and will eventually cause one or possible both of them to fry from lack of proper voltage.Again, you can use it, but buying proper coaxial (RG6) will be much cheaper in the long run.