no it does not if you do research on the song it says "denys3 has signed on" denys3 is the producer who made the beat and i did some research thats how i know this and if you listen to the song bitch betta have my money by tyga you can here it say "denys3 has signed in"
no. his chest tattoo says 'fear none but god' YES HE HAS THE DEVIL DRAWN NICE AND EVIL ON HIS LEFT HAND In the song faded 8 seconds in begininng he say be nice to satin
No, it does not say "be nice to satin" What it does say is "Dync3 has signed on" Dynic3 is the producer of the song faded. Every producer has there own audio sound tag. and if you listen to it, it clearly says Dync3 has signed on.
The beginning of the song "Faded" by Alan Walker starts with the lyrics, "You were the shadow to my light..." The song talks about feeling abandoned and disconnected from someone who used to be close.
I have herd that Pokemon means little devil, or deamon.
im in the illuminati and i am the devil and i love vaginas. theyare nice and warm, in my face and other oraphices. EAT ME!
bonita canción
una cancion agradable
No, Fetty Wap did not say "I'm a devil worshiper" in his song "679." The lyrics of the song do not contain any references to devil worship or satanic themes. It is important to critically evaluate the accuracy of information and not spread misinformation based on misinterpretations of lyrics.
OK so everyone thinks it says "be nice to satan" and well if you listen really close and hear that, well, then you either need to listen closer or get a hearing aid. It says "Be nice and settle down" ok? cuz some of you out there are a little slow with this stuff. And if you still believe with all ur little heart that it says be nice to satan when then nigg@ id say ur faded.
he does not he just has a tattoo and one of his song he say thanks lord for the money i have
I don't say "the devil the devil don't take me devil."
kono kyokku ii ne