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Many are free and some charge tuition. It depends on where you live as to what is available to you. Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schools are good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

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Leanna Walker

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2y ago
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16y ago

Many are free and some charge tuition. It depends on where you live as to what is available to you. Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schools are good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

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15y ago

No,not if your just a praent who wants to school their child at home. But I would think if you are a certified teacher who is not working in a public school system you could home school children in your home AND be paid by the parents of those children. You would have to check with the state to see what you would have to do in order to do so.

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14y ago

Not monetarily no. But the good news is you save so much money not buying all the crap schools throw at you for fundraisers You get to choose where you take your kids on the field trip according to your budget. You don't have to worry about peer pressure from kids who's parents could care less what they do. No bullies, no teachers pet issues, no "your kid is not fitting into our mold". No "is that suppose to be beans?" lunches.

Bottom line is your in control of your child's future and if you care enough about their progress and have the time and energy, homeschooling is very rewarding. But not monetarily

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12y ago

Most people say no because they don't know anything! Well my mom's friend has her own business and she had a client who said she gets paid like 2,000 for every 2 months or something like that because she homeschools her child!! I'm homeschool and as soon as we find out what the program is we are signing up!

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14y ago

Nope it's comepletly free.I should know,I am in k12.

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Where can I get more information on online homeschooling?

The fastest way to get information on online homeschooling would be by going to You can also try talking to local schools and find out their advice on how to begin online homeschooling.

What are benefits of online homeschooling.?

The benefits of online homeschooling are customized school courses. There is personalized attention on a student. There is flexibility to pursue passions.

Are there any homeschooling resources online?

Here is homeschooling resources online that should help you: - - -

What homeschooling programs are available in Mississippi?

Ignitium Christian Academy offers homeschooling in Mississippi. K12 International Academy also offers private and rigorous online homeschooling programs in Mississippi.

Is There Free Home Schooling Online?

Homeschooling three children is quite a task, but good for you. Some free online homeschooling programs available in Michigan are and also try

Where can you get homeschooling in Hawaii?

There are many online programs in which people from all over the U.S., including Hawaii, can get homeschooling. One example of a place that people can get homeschooling done is Time4Learning. Time4Learning will help out students get homeschooled.

How does successful is online homeschooling?

By online homeschooling or via regular way, it should not effect children's future really at all. Children will also get a high school diploma and can get scholarships to go to college.

How much does homeschooling pay?

Homeschooling is not a paying job. Parents who don't like public education and aren't satisfied with the local private schools have the option of homeschooling their kids in some states. If you're talking about teaching other people's kids in their homes, then you are talking about tutoring, not homeschooling.

Are there online classes for homeschooling?

There are many sites that offer advice on homeschooling. One site is at, or check out

Do you need your parents permission to become homeschooled?

Yes. It depends what kind of homeschooling you are doing and your age. If you are doing the book homeschooling, then it is more helpful to have a parent around to help you, but if you are 15 or older, it is not necessary, it is up to your parents. Online homeschooling is completely different, you can do it on your own because you can listen to the lessons.