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Q: How do you say ' sun ' in German?
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How do you say 'sun' in German?

sun = Sonne

How do you say the sun in German?

the sun = die Sonne

How do you say House of the sun in German?

House of the sun = Haus der Sonne

How do you say sun in German?

sun = Sonne sunshine = Sonnenschein Liebe Grüße

How do you say sun burnt in German?

sonnengebräunt sonnenverbrannt

How do you say the sun in German Itlalian Spanish English Maori and French?

German: die Sonne Italian: il sole Spanish: el sol French: le soleil obviously! english: The Sun

When was Sun - German band - created?

Sun - German band - was created in 1991.

When did Sun - German band - end?

Sun - German band - ended in 2001.

How do you pronounce sun in German?

The German word for sun is Sonne, pronounced zonn' er

How do people say sun in different languages?

Sun - English Soleil - French Sole - Italian Sol - Spanish słońce - polish Sol - Swedish Sonne - German

Who do you say war in German?

How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"

How do you say body in German?

To say body in German it is Körper