hi their these is Lucy just answers my question in what place is Philippines? ok so i can answers asking if you have YM
"Beber" is the verb in Spanish meaning "to drink". "Bebiendo" is the gerund form, or "drinking".
he is drinking beer = él toma una cerveza
Los hombres están bibiendo.
"¿Qué estás bebiendo esta noche?" (Bebiendo = Drinking) "¿Qué estás tomando esta noche?" (Tomando = Taking, but can also mean drinking)
To drink can either be "tomar" or "beber". With ing? You mean the gerund? "Drinking" can be either "tomando" or "bebiendo".
¿Están listos/as tus lentes/gafas? (If you mean 'spectacles')Estan listos tus vasos? (If you mean drinking-glasses)
You say 'Salute"
Fuente de agua (water fountain) fuente de beber (Literal translation)
Vidrio roto (window-glass) vaso roto (drinking-glass)
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish