Bola de cristal
La Dorothy says: bola de cristal in Spanish means a cristal ball the type a fortune teller would use.
But the question is "how do you spell ball?"
The ball in Spanish is La Pelota. ( ball as in "a round body of various sizes and materials for use in games such as: football, Golf, tennis...)
We called it soft ball in spanish too.
Football in Spanish is fútbol. :)
To say the words 'she is tall' in the Spanish language you say 'ella es alta'. These words in the Italian language you say 'e alta'.
[Tu] no eres español. In the spanish language, you dont tend to say the ' tu'
You mean how to say language in Spanish? Idioma or Lengua. Most people say lenguaje now days.
español, a españoles, as español (language)
Pelota is any of a variety of Spanish sports played against a wall, particularly basque pelota. In the Spanish language, it can also refer to a ball, or a teacher's pet.