Ich bin froh, dass wir zusammen sind = I am glad we are together
I'm glad we are friends = ich bin froh, dass wir Freunde sind.
It is better to say "I am glad that I met you too".
so glad to see you again = so froh, dich wiederzusehen (informal, singular) so glad to see you again = so froh, euch wiederzusehen (informal, plural) so glad to see you again = so froh, Sie wiederzusehen (formal)
Hergestellt in Mexiko
' Jeg(I) er(am) glad(glad) for at(to) se(see) dig(you)'
In Danish, "happy" is "lykkelig" or "glad."
Ian the Dinosaur is a magical Dinosaur i made up in German. Every lesson i say IAN my friend and i love to say this in German!!!
You can say "Jeg ΓΈnsker dig glad" in Danish.
-I thought the answer was 'Orange you glad I didn't say bananas'. It's a "knock-knock" joke: knock knock who's there Orange Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say bananas!
I would say Mercedes Benz
I'm glad the baby is doing well