Llovió ayer
Well, I can show you how to say it in Spanish, since I don’t speak Thai. Yesterday: Ayer.
Le encontré ayer
Ayer fue martes*. (*in spanish, days and months are not capitalized)
"She showered yesterday" in Spanish is "Se duchó ayer". It is pronounced "say doo-CHO ah-YARE". Please see this site for confirmation of the translation: http://www.answers.com/library/Translations
Yo tome ayer esta foto
"ayer estaba cansado luego de las clases" but is not the only way that you can say it
It means "yesterday was".
"Yesterday was short" in Spanish is "Ayer fue corto". It is pronounced "ah-YARE fway CORE-toe". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
Ayer = yesterday in Spanish.
Where do you work? = ¿Dónde trabajas?