In Italian a translation is cantina. Always remember that depending on the context of your sentences, the translation can vary. There may also be slang terminology if you were to travel to Italy. Keep in mind that online translators may not always be correct, they are a reflection of the exact words you have typed in.
Everyday Italian - 2004 Vineyard Visit 9-14 was released on: USA: 2007
Cellar tours provides italian vineyard tours form wichita. More details can be found at
Vineyard appears 22 times in the KJV BIble
jeit estas tonto
"Carmel" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Carmella. The feminine proper noun traces its origins back to the ancient Hebrew כרמל (karmél) for "God's vineyard." The pronunciation will be "kar-MEL-la" in Italian.
Naboth owned the vineyard that King Ahab wanted. Ahab offered to buy the vineyard, but Naboth refused to sell it because it was his family inheritance. This led to a series of events that ultimately resulted in the death of Naboth and the seizure of the vineyard by King Ahab.
Sotto is how you say under in Italian.
"Ristoranti" is what we say it in Italian!!
Bei giardini e bel vigneto is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful gardens and vineyard." The masculine plural noun giardini also may be translated as "green" in the context of garden-filled, green space-rich neighborhoods and suburban and urban clusters. The pronunciation will be "BEH-ee djar-DEE-nee ey bel vee-NEY-to" in Italian.
"Carmel" is the English equivalent of the Italian name Carmello. The masculine proper noun originates in the Hebrew word כַּרְמֶל, which means "God's vineyard." The pronunciation will be "kar-MEL-lo" in Italian.
no there isn't
Grapes are grown in a vineyard