That is "Rakastamme sinua isoisä ja meille tulee ikävä sinua" in Finnish.
not sure about grandpa, but grandfather is isovanhempi
'What if your love' is 'Mita jos rakkautesi' in Finnish.
"neiti Katia"
Ikävöin kasvojasi.
ask grandma to love grandpa if say no say i wont love you anymore and i will call a case of husband abuse and then she will love grandpa
Love from Mar: Rakkaudella, Mary.
"Je t'aime grand-père" is how you say "I love you grandpa" in French.
"My heart belongs to" is an American/English saying with no direct translation in Finnish.
"I love you" is "minä rakastan sinua" in Finnish.
"Minullakin on ikävä sinua" would be a standard language phrase. A spoken language phrase could be for example "mullakin on sua ikävä". This kind of a conversation 1: I miss you 2: Miss you too would be in a standard Finnish 1: Minulla on ikävä sinua / Ikävöin sinua 2: Minullakin on sinua ikävä / Minäkin ikävöin sinua and in the spoken Finnish 1: Mulla on sua ikävä 2: Mullakin sua
To say 'I miss my grandpa' in Spanish you would say 'Echo de menos a mi abuelo'. In Italian you would say Mi manca mio nonno.
Say I will and always love you