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Mihi carissima es (speaking to a woman); mihi carissimus es (speaking to a man).

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te sunt dilexit

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Q: How do you say you are so loved in Latin?
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How to say Not loved in latin?

non amatus... maybe >_>

How do you say you will be forever loved and missed in Latin?

te aeternum dilexit et requireris

Which is better you loved or you love as in a sentence?

if it was in the past just you loved me before but not anymore so you loved but if you still love me so we can say you love me .

What does amavit mean in latin?

Amavi is the first person perfect active indicative of the Latin verb amare, "to love". It means "I loved" or "I have loved".

Latin translation loved?

Loved = Amatus (male), Amata (female)

How do you write loved in latin?


How do you say so what in Latin?

ita quod

How do you say loved it in french?

To say, I loved, it is "J'adore". Also, to say i loved it is je l'adore. Or just love(d) it is l'adore P.S most people would use the word aimer, not adorer so it would be j'aime instead of j'adore and so on, but adorer does work just as well

What is amabilis in Latin?

Amabilis is Latin for "lovable," "capable of being loved," "worthy of love."

How do you address in memory over the death of a loved one?

Say what you loved about him or her then say what everyone loved about him or her

What is the latin translation for 'always loved'?

Semper amatus.

Where in the Bible does it say that you will not be loved?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say you will not be loved. The whole Bible talks about how much you are loved.