Yes. The following example demonstrates this: #include<iostream> struct foo { foo(){ std::cout<<"foo"<<std::endl; } ~foo(){ std::cout<<"~foo"<<std::endl; } }; int main() { int CNT=5; foo * f = new foo[CNT]; delete [] f; return(0); } Output: foo foo foo foo foo ~foo ~foo ~foo ~foo ~foo
foo foo means fufu is a popular African food
same as foo pets
Direct: int foo () { ... foo (); ... } Indirect: int foo () { ... bar (); ... } int bar () { ... foo (); ... }
Foo-foo is pretty much yam paste ground up in mortars.
yes. he and is wife, Kung Foo, have a son, Pitida Foo...
pounded yam!
Jon Foo's birth name is Jonathan Patrick Foo.
No. But you cant do a lot o the fun things with your foo-pet without club-foo. I recommend trying the one month club foo membership to see how you like it.
Unless your business is foo fighting, you cannot take an advance for foo ding, nor can you write off foo ding.