Depending on context, ginger can be translated as:
Ingwer (plant)
fuchsrot (colour)
There is no word for it in german.We say Ginger Ale just like you would.
the same way you spell it in German
sinséar (spice)
How do u spell fiffty nine in German
Zwei is how you spell two in German.
In German, you would spell 222 as "zweihundertzweiundzwanzig."
The herbal root and spice is spelled "ginger".
ginger - (der) Ingwer=====================If you are referring to a person with ginger hair you say:der Rotkopf (noun, literally the red-head)orrotköpfig (adjective)
You spell it "Straße".
und is and in German
"It" is spelt "es" in German.
The German word for Why is Varrum