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Q: How do you use primary source and secondary source in a paragraph?
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What source do historians use to answer questions?

They use primary and secondary sources

How do historians use primary and secondary sources?

A primary source is like a diary of somebody that has experienced something or the person them self (autobiography) A secondary source is when somebody has heard the story and retells it or writes about it. (biography) A primary source is the most reliable because information can be lost or changed by a secondary source so historians favor primary sources.

What are you doing when you use primary and secondary source to support your compare and contrast essay?

Gathering Details

Is Anne Frank diary a primary or secondary cource?

it is a primary source, even a translation of it is a primary source, but that would not mean that any introduction or anything else written afterwards is a primary source. But you have to be specific of what it is a primary source of, you cannot use it as a source of anything not directly experienced by the author, you can use it to describe things believed at the time, but this does not mean that they actually happened.

What are primary and secondary sources and how do historians use them when researching different events in history?

A primary source is a person (or a record produced by a person) who was actually there, as a witness or a participant of the event in question. A secondary source is someone who obtained information from a primary source and who then wrote or spoke about it. Primary sources are the more authoritative, however they are not always available, and sometimes you have to settle for lesser sources.

Why would a researcher use a primary source instead of a secondary source when analyzing a historical events?

Answer this question… To evaluate the perspective of a witness to the event

Why would researcher use primary source instead of a secondary source when analyzing a historical event?

Answer this question… To evaluate the perspective of a witness to the event

Why would a research use a primary source instead of a secondary source when analyzing a historical event?

To learn from the conclusions of many other experts on the event.

Is The Bill of Rights primary or secondary source?

The Declaration of Independence is a primary source, but only if you use the original document or a fascimile of the real document. Someone else's paraphrase of it or opinion would be a secondary source.

How is secondary sector dependent on primary sector?

Primary>Secondary relies on secondary to buy the output so it can be processed into finished goods Secondary>Primary relies on primary to extract raw materials for them to process Secondary>Tertiary relies on tertiary to distribute their finished goods to consumers/customers Tertiary>Secondary relies on secondary to supply finished goods for them to sell Primary>Tertiary relies on tertiary to distribute and market their goods to both secondary and consumers Tertiary>Primary relies on primary to use their services and thus provide a source of revenue

What tools do historians use?

Primary sources, secondary sources, and oral history.

Can you use secondary memory in place of primary memory?

No, Because secondary takes more time as compared to primary. primary takes less time as compared to secondary.