"No te molestes," or "no se moleste." The first is informal, as you would you with a friend or family member. The second is formal, as you would use with a superior or a respected stranger. Literally, they both mean, "Don't bother yourself."
a ok first dont bother a ok first dont bother a ok first dont bother
No sé cómo escribir
No me ama / aman / amas / amáis.
i dont no but you can write it on google
i dont no but you can write it on Google
"Si se despiertan temprano durante la semana"
dont bother
"deja de molestar me" , or "alejate de mi" , or "apartate de mi" , basically all the similar to "dont bother me"
it is: No me molesta.
dont know dont bother dont care
Brother is spelled 'hermano' in Spanish Bother is spelled 'molestar' in Spanish