prendre un tour
I think what you are referring to is the lap function on the stopwatch. Lets say someone is running multiple laps on a track, you hit the lap button when one complete lap is finished and the individual lap time is saved without stopping the stopwatch for overall time
How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"
To say body in German it is Körper
Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.
How do i say i have a brother and a sister in German ?
Many people have different views on this. Most refer to a lap as one length of the pool. Others say is it down AND back.
to say Rosie in German you say Rosie :) i like pie
Say that in German = Sag es auf Deutsch (informal) Say that in German = Sagen Sie es auf Deutsch (formal)
The German word for what is was.