53 Days left
25 for me
About 5 months or 140 days including breaks and summer. And remember it depends on the school, state, and country. Also private schools don't have to follow a law of how many days of school is required each year.
Joe Grant left Three Days Grace to go to law school back in 1997, when their band name was Groundswell.
Doesn't matter it's Utah.
454322 jk about 40
Starting the week of April 5, 2010 to May 28, 2010 you have 40 school days left (8 weeks).
Dont think about how many classes you have left- think how many you have been through that day. Dont think about how many days left- think about how many their are in the year.
That would depend on what the date is. There are 28, 30, or 31 days in a month, and the remainder will be greater by 1 until March 1 in a leap year. Add the number of days remaining in this month to the totals of the following months: At the end of January, there are either 334 or 335 days left. At the end of February, there are 306 days left. At the end of March, there are 275 days left. At the end of April, there are 245 days left. At the end of May, there are 214 days left. At the end of June, there are 184 days left. At the end of July, there are 153 days left. At the end of August, there are 122 days left. At the end of September, there are 92 days left. At the end of October, there are 61 days left. At the end of November, there are 31 days left.
If u mean like from todays date 8/8/11 to the first day of school which is 9/8/11 its about 31 days. If u mean from like the first day of summer or last day of school which is june 28 [somtimes]...til the first day of school sep.8 its about 71 days .