the neighbors were jocular, they kept the neighbors laughing
The jocular speech caused laughter in the audience.
"April Fools' Day always puts me in a jocular mood."
Jocular is something funny or witty, a joke or anything thought to be humorous.
He's so jocular that you can't get any serious sentence from him.
When your boss is angrily questioning you, a jocular response would be a bad idea. The publishers did not appreciate the humor in the author's jocular comments about their other writers.
The devil is a fallen angel and was created by God. The devil isn't his name.
I have never heard of that name to be the devil.
No, the word "jocular" is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun as funny, comic, or witty.A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Example: Martin is very entertaining when he tells jocular tales.The pronoun "he" takes the place of the noun "Martin" in the second part of the sentence.The adjective "jocular" describes the tales that Martin tells.
The binomial name of the Tasmanian devil is Sarcophilus harrisii.