

Best Answer

Matrimonial Causes Act (No Fault Divorce)

Radio Australia

Mawson Station in Antarctica

Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission

Lake Burley Griffin

Commonwealth Bank

Reserve Bank

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

National Astronomical Observatory (Parkes)

The Mooney Oilfield

Interstate Direct Dial Telephones (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne coax)

Australian Ballet (first performance Swan Lake in Sydney)

International Direct Dial Telephones (COMPAC 80 phone circuits, 22 telegraph)


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Norris Bernhard

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2y ago
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14y ago

Matrimonial Causes Act (No Fault Divorce)

Radio Australia

Mawson Station in Antarctica

Commonwealth Conciliation and Arbitration Commission

Lake Burley Griffin

Commonwealth Bank

Reserve Bank

Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

National Astronomical Observatory (Parkes)

The Mooney Oilfield

Interstate Direct Dial Telephones (Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne coax)

Australian Ballet (first performance Swan Lake in Sydney)

International Direct Dial Telephones (COMPAC 80 phone circuits, 22 telegraph)


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